Halo 4: Spec Documentary

343 Industries .  Halo 4 . December 2011

This speculative documentary chronicles the arduous journey of conceiving and constructing a cutting-edge studio, igniting the spirit of individuals and revitalizing a billion-dollar franchise.

This is a story about building a legacy. This is a story about the formation of a company. This is a story about the most important year in the history of Halo.

The Way Of The Future

Director: Dan Chosich
Editor: Dan Chosich
Assoc. Producer: Veronica Peshterianu
Camera A: Dan Chosich
Camera B: Michael Pagano
Camera C: Paul Featherstone
Producer: Alison Stroll
Motion Graphics: Dan Chosich

There is this skepticism and lack of belief that 343 can pull this off, and that got me reflecting on the challenge that we have in front of us. By all accounts the challenge that we are taking on here is a massive, massive, challenge. By many accounts it seems like it should be impossible. It seems like it is impossible.

When you list everything out; we’re building a new studio from scratch, bringing together all these people from across the industry, most of whom have never worked together before, most of whom come from very different ways of working and trying to figure out during the course of this project how we all work together. We’re building on the foundation of an engine and toolset, that while uniquely qualified to deliver the experience that we are building is unfamiliar to so many of these people. Oh, and by the way we are taking on one of the most high profile and beloved games in Halo where the bar is nothing but absolute greatness.
— Josh Holmes, Creative Director on Halo 4